Sunday, January 29, 2012

                                     The Galle Fort.
The majestic edifice in the Southern port city of Galle, the largest fort in the country. it was build by the Portuguese in  1587 at point de Galle, after they seized control of the town from the Sinhala kings. The Dutch captured the city from the Portuguese in 1640, and exp

                      anded and strengthened the Fort and it is their influence and architecture that is most prominent in the Fort today. The Dutch remained for almost 150years,until the city was taken by the British in 1796. The Fort and its surroundings were declared a World Heritage site in 1988. 

                                                           The Galle Fort covers an area of 36 hectares and encloses several museums, a clock tower, churches, mosques, a light house, hotels and many private residences. There are two entries to the fort-the main gate, build by the British in 1873 which pierces the main ramparts between the sun and moon bastions, and the old gate, further to the east on Baladaksha Mawatha (customs road) .Just beyond the old gate stands the Zwart  Bastion (Black Fort)-the oldest fortification surviving in Galle, and thought to be of Portuguese origin. The interior if Galle Fort strongly speaks of the Dutch period. Several of the narrow streets still bear Dutch names.   
                                                        Many of the streets are lined with formerly extravagant buildings characterized by large rooms, arched verandahs and windows protected by heavy, wooden –louvered shutters. The northern part of the Fort is dominated by the British-built Clock Tower and a small roundabout located immediately within the Main Gate. The National cultural Museum and National  Maritime Museum are nearby.  

Marine National park in Trincomalee

Nilaweli beach in Trincomalee is one of the most wonderful places of this island nation, the Pigeon Island, the realm of Rock Pigeon. The import of this island is that is one of two marine national parks Sri Lanka owns. The pigeon Island which was declared as a sanctuary in 1970 under the Fauna and Flora protection ordinance  got transformed in to a National Park on June 24,2003. The National Park spread approximately over 430 hactares. The island is named after its endemic inhabitant the blue rock pigeon that take roost in the island in hundreds.

                                   According to historical records it is believed that this island was used as a centre where official letters were transported using pigeons during king’ time. The surrounding coral fringe is rich with over 100 species of coral and over 300 species of coral fish. The pigeon island a divers paradise. A visit to the island could incorporate swimming in the sea,diving and sun bathing. now the visitors can buy tickets from the Wildlife Conservation Department counter, established on the Nilaweli beach at a very reasonable rates. Though this is identified as one island in fact it is two. the large island and small island. The Large pigeon island is fringed by a coral reef and the small pigeon island is surrounded by rocky is lets. Hawksbill turtle, green turtle and olive ridley are the visiting sea turtle of the coral reef. The island is an important breeding ground for the Rock pigeon.  The large pigeon island’s coral reefs vegetation is dominated by Acropora spp. With some Montipora spp. Rains are predicted from Octomber and March and during the rest of the year it is extremely warm. The sand and rock mixed geography is covered with cactus varieties and Lantana shrubs in addition to the variety of flora that colour the land.    


                        THE PARAKRAMA SAMUDRAYA
The crowning glory of king  Parakramabahu 1, the magnificent reservoir Parakrama Samudra  which is also known as the sea of Parakrama is situated in Polonnaruwa.It is a shallow reservoir which is about is 2430 hectares  (6000 acres)
In extent and is the oldest and northern most reservoir in the country. The Topawewa, along with Dumbuthulu wewa and Erabudu wewa,were combined by Parakramabahu 1,to create this great reservoir.
                                                                              The three separate reservoirs are connected only by narrow channels at low water. The  middle section is Eramudu
Wewa and the southernmost portion at the highest elevation is Dumbutula wewa.It is recorded that Topa wewa was built around A.D. 386.and the other

Sections were added and the reservoir expanded during the reign of King
Parakramabahu the Great,and hence it is also called the Topawewa by some.
                                                          This ancient ,intricate and sophisticated water
Storage system which provided the irrigation for the rice fields in the country at that time was abandoned with the collapse of the Polonnaruwa  Kingdom. It was
Restored to its present ststus in the recent past.  
                                THE MOONSTONE
The moonstone (Sandakada  pahana) is a stone carving found in the
Ancient ruin cities of Sri  Lanka. Its name been derived. From its
Shape of a crescent (half moon) and it is found at the foot of a series of steps leading to temples, monasteries or palaces.
                                    Although this stone slab did not depict any carvings during the early Anuradapura era, it later acquired very ornate carvings and turned into a work of art. The carvings include a lotus at the centre, a line
of  swans, a line of animals comprising lion, horses, elephants  and bulls, and another line of decorative leaf work (liyawel) .Although this line-up continued to be the same during the Polonnaruwa era.
                                                         The moonstone of the Polonnaruwa era is
Considered to be less artistically desingned than that of the Anuradapura era.
The best moonstone of the Anuradapura era is found at the ruins of the Mahasen Mandapa close to the AbhayagiriVihara while the best moonstone of the Polonnaruwa era is found at the northern entrance to the watage ge.
                                              The moonstone has attracted many visitors and continues to attract many.                  

Saturday, September 24, 2011

                                           SRI LANKA BIRDS
There are so many bird species living in Sri Lanka,
From those Maharath kerala is special.Greater
 flameback is his English name.They live in a small
unit of family.They fly from one tree to another
and they keep notes in tree.when they see a tree
body with open hole .they try to open it from
their peak and it makes a large noise which special
for long distance.

                                Sri Lanka blue magpie {Kehibella}
Kehibella is know as the sri lanka blue magpie .
This birds body colour is blue and soft wingis
black and white.the edge of the long wing is thinner
and incldues white colour stripes.they live with a small
 group .it includes 6-8 birds.they are mostly seen in
Sinharaja Rain forest and Adams peak .they lay eggs
Mixminum once a year.male bird is more colourful
Then the female bird.they are very activeand they eat
Frogs, creatures ,lizards,catterpilles and fruits.

                                   SINHARAJA  RAINFOREST 
Sinharaja rainforest is the first World Heritage Forest in Sri Lanka.
The forest at its lowest is 270m above the see level.its hightest point is
1060m.Sinharaja has 9 hills of which the tallest is Hinipitigala,Its
Peak is 1170 metres high.
                                  Many streams start from the high ground of the sinharaja and fall into bigger rivers.There is a small waterfall called
Duhuvilla Ella.Perhapsit is named after the dust like spray of the
Waterfall.The rainfall in the area is high throughout the year.
                               The birds and the animals are there,but
It is the trees,the plants and the flowers that attract the nature lover.
4500 of years the forest has mothered these trees,creepers   and has
 been home to the elephant,the leopard,the deer and   sambhur.